Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Air Asia

Kenapa website Air Asia macam HARAM!!!
Susah gila nak buat reservation!!!
Tony where the hell on earth are you..??

Miss LiNNa

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Is working against me
And gravity
Wants to bring me down

Whoa I'll never know
What makes this man
With all the love
That his heart can stand
Dream of ways
To throw it all away

Whoa Gravity
Is working against me
And gravity
Wants to bring me down

Oh twice as much
Ain’t twice as good
And can't sustain
Like one half could
It's wanting more
It's gonna send me to my knees


Oh twice as much
Ain’t twice as good
And can't sustain
Like one half could
It's wanting more
It's gonna send me to my knees

Oh gravity
Stay the hell away from me
Oh gravity
Has taken better men than me
Now how can that be?

Just keep me where the light is
Just keep me where the light is
Just keep me where the light is
C’mon keep me where the light is
C’mon keep me where the light is
C’mon keep me where keep me where the light is

wasnt he look SEXY!!

~Miss LiNNa~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Kenape sekarang aku cepat gila sentap a.k.a cepat terasa..
Macam orang tua la plak!
eeee..eee tak suka nye!!
Miss LiNNa

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Oh My God!!!

My eating habits nowadays just like hell!

I'm eating like a PIG!

Phulease!!! Phulease!!! I need to control or else i'll be just like fatty scary ugly ghost!

Or should i enroll for ASIAN BIGGEST LOOSER!!


~Miss LiNNa not in a mood~


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today is Wednesday October 2009.
There is Pasar Malam Also Known As Night Market nearby.
Mari pergi pasar malam. Lama tak pergi.

Miss LiNNa

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Masyarakat majmuk

Today is raining here in Ampang!

Best time to sleep.. ZzzzZZZZ..krohhhhh..kroggghhh..ooppps!

Miss LiNNa

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The All- American Rejects Again!

Padan muka The All- American Rejects tak jadi datang last Saturday!
Padan muka kepada DIGI.. dan semua pengguna DIGI mesti terasa tertipu (beralihlah kepada Maxis!)
So kesimpulannye bagi aku free pass. Kalau tak mesti Mike akan umumkan die postpon lagi.
So tarikh baru ialah pada October 31st 2009.
Nak pegiiiiiiii!!!!!!! =(.
~Miss LiNNa~

Monday, October 12, 2009

Open House Invitations

Hello Peeps!!!!

With an open hearted, I'm invited all bloggers (sounds tons of followers) to my house on this coming wonderful Saturday.

See you there!

~Miss LiNNa~

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nenek Saya

Mulai hari nie tak boleh balik lambat or lewat ade curfew . Nenek aku dari Johor datang semalan. So he'll be here until end of October maybe! Here is some of my check-lists bagi menjaga tata susila ketika nenek berada di rumahku!

1) Tak boleh balik lambat! make sure before 10pm (tapi last night aku balik kol 11.30pm..tu pon masuk rumah macam perompak. slow-slow je..LOL)

2) Tak boleh pakai boxer/ short/ singlet/tube dan seangkatan dengan nya!

3) If cakap dengan dia, kene cover lidah. Kang pengsan die tengok cucu die yang menawan nie tindik di lidah!

4) Masuk waktu sembahyang kene teros masuk bilik kang tak pasal-pasal kene sound " dah solat ke?"

5) Dan yang paling penting kene jadi seorang wanita yang lemah lembut. Sebab aku selalu kene tegur " Linna, kenapa la perangai macam budak jantan, cuba la lembut sikit"

Ini adalah senarai pendek top5 yang kene di titik-beratkan sewaktu atok( orang Johor, datuk or nenek memang panggil atok such as atok perempuan or atok lelaki take note peeps!) berada di rumah kami!

~Miss LiNNa~

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Saturday 10th October 2009.

Yo! entry for today ialah : saya akan menglistkan activity yang akan dilakukan pada esok hari iaitu Sabtu 10 October 2009. urghhh sangat bosan!

First thing to do is bagun pagi pada pukul 8.07am ( mesti pelik kan kenapa end denagn 07).

Siap-siap pergi office. esok pon kerja even sabtu! Ciss tak suka betol

popetpotpet kat office sampi 1pm sharp ambil bag teros lari cepat-cepat sebab tak sabar nak balik rumah!

Sampi rumah mandi lagi siap-siap tak lupa pakai parfume..Esok pakai Elle by YSL sebab nak jumpa ramai orang so kene pakai bau yang sofisticated!

Lepas tu turun bawah jap tengok tv and fikir nak pergi mana..HAHAHA~

Tak la, tunggu ibunda tercinta siap lepastu menuju ke rumah orang kawen kat PWTC. rumah ke? ( di harap plan pergi rumah orang kawen nie tak jadi.Amin..)

Sepatutnye plan pergi umah orang kawin nie di tukar dengan plan menuntun pancaragam The All American Rejects. Di sebabkan ada masalah teknikal yang tak dapat di elakkan saya terpaksa mengisi masa ini dengan back-up plan yang sangat bosan! Nie semua DIGI punya pasal la!

Lepas balik dari rumah orang kawin terpaksa pergi kedai terbuka si katik Faida(weh aku tau ko curik-curik bace blog aku) ingat tak nak pergi, tapi if tak pergi nanti die merajuk and putus sahabat plak.HAHAH.. dala jauh kat KLIA. so maybe i'm driving alone since there is some problem until I need to go alone =(. macam HARAM!

Lepas menghadirkan diri di open shop Faida nak pergi mane ek? maybe watch movie at The Garden. dengan siapa mungkin alone! =).

Lepas menonton movie jumpe si Adela si taik lalat potpetpotpet balik rumah!

Ha! itula serba sedikit schedule saya ( saya?? poyo nye) pada esok hari! kemungkinan ade sidikit rombakan plan( gile hebat penggunaan BM).

Argghhh sangat bosan. sian makaseh. tue je.

~Miss LiNNa~

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The All- American Rejects

Date: Saturday, 10 October 2009
Venue: Central Park Avenue, 1 Utama, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Tickets: discriminate! why only DIGI??

Lineup: The All-American Rejects
One Buck Short
Pop Shuvit

~Miss LiNNa~

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


He is so fucking moron!
Thank you.
~Miss LiNNa~

Monday, October 5, 2009

boot camp

want to try something interesting yet benefits us.

I'am thinking to join them!

~Miss LiNNa~

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Maniac Monday

saya tak suka hari isnin!
mari kite semua berdoa cepat-cepat hari Jumaat!
~Miss LiNNa~

Friday, October 2, 2009

Suplimentary Boyfriend.

EEEE..wtf with him!!!

I really needs a suplimentary boyfriend!


~Miss LiNNa~

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Lets pray for Padang quake-hit victims.

May God be with them.


~Miss LiNNa~

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October Resolution!

Hello Peeps..!!!

Today is October 1st.. So i'll come out with my new month resolution which is..

Blog everyday!!!! huhuhu sounds unbelieveable..

but please do visit my fabuluous blog daily and you 'll be so up suprize!!!

~Miss Linna~

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Secret of the perfect hair!

Kenali diri melalui rambut oleh ::Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah


bijak, seorang yang happy, bergaya, cemburu,dan pandai dalam menguruskan sesuatu tanpa pertolongan

kurang bijak, degil, cemburu kuat, romantic,banyak pergaulan dan susah
dalam menyelesaikan masalah diri, tidak suka termenung

bijak, ego, cemburu buta, romantic , memilih dan mudah mengamuk bila
susah hendak selesaikan masalah

bijak, berfikir sebelum melakukan sesuatu,berfikiran terbuka, banyak
pergaulan, dan mudah memaaf kanseseorang dengan kesilapan lalu.


bijak sangat, memilih, pemaaf, manja, tegas dan cepat melakukan
perkerjaan dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

bijak, sentiasa berfikiran negatif pada seseorang, ego,dan pandai
membuka perniagaan walaupun kecil.

kurang bijak, berfikiran terbuka, pemaaf,s osial dan bijak lari daripada

bijak, degil, cemburu, romantic, kasar, banyak kawan, dan pandai
mengambilhati seseorang.

sangat bijak, berfikiran terbuka, banyak pergaulan, garang, susah nak
memaafkan seseorang, dan pandai dalam mengurusan sesuatu tanpa

kurang bijak, suka termenung, sosial sikit,berfikiran terbuka dan pandai
selesaikan masalah diri

(Botak) ..kesian

itu rambutaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

::Rambut Miss Linna cantik menawan.So sorry tiada dalam list!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

BirthDay Date Meanings

Here is some secret of your birth date that reflect your personality..enjoy it..!

Is your birthday day 1 of the month?

Your Life
You are very curious and dedicative. When you are interested in something, everything to Be more patient and complete what you have started, you will be successful in life.
Your Love
You believe in love at first sight. You won't wait to learn more about the person. Vise versa, people who fail to impress you will hardly get a chance to be your friend. Your emotion is on the extreme. You can only love or hate, nothing in between and this often shows in your expression. Try not to end a relationship in a quarrel.

Is your birthday day 2 of the month?
Your Life
You have great common sense but usually fail to follow through. This might happens because you are too busy with your mission and shut yourself from the outside world. You are clever and profound so there's a slight chance for self-control problem.
Your Love
Your love progress slowly, and quietly. You seem to be contented with your unrequited love. Your are a romantic and loyal lover.

Is your birthday day 3 of the month?
Your Life
Although you are innocent and romantic but your expression often mislead others that you are an active, fun loving kid. Because of your double personality, it's hard for others to really know the real you. You are careful and patient.
Your Love

Your love is the greatest which often surprises others. No one can bring you to light when you are in love. Your confidence might lead you to the track your parents disagree .

Is your birthday day 4 of the month?
Your Life
You usually think before acting which makes your life quite easy. But you often are the one who give yourself a hard time by being paranoid. People might not truly understand you but you are really nice to be around. You are cheerful and friendly.
Your Love
Still water runs deep, that's what you are. You always surprise others with your new character when you are in love. Your love trap often comes unexpectedly and your love life is full of surprises.

Is your birthday day 5 of the month?
Your Life
Although you are on the quiet side, but you enjoy excitement and changes. Routine is something you cannot stand. Because of your extreme confidence, you hardly ask others for opinion. You believe in leading your own life, and you have got the gift in doing so.
Your Love
Nothing can stop you from making progress in your love life. Once you are in love, you feel the ownership of your lover. A third party can only makes your jealousy becomes worse.

Is your birthday day 6 of the month?
Your Life
You are generous with people in need, sometimes to an extreme that people find you nosey. Your hidden courage and dedication often surprise others. Your imagination is extremely unique.
Your Love
Your love life is on the smooth track because it grows from friendship.Although you may not make a sweet lover but your sincerity bring happiness to your couple.

Is your birthday day 7 of the month?
Your Life
You are sensitive to changes around you but your feeling is hardly expressed. You hate exaggerations. Under your quiet personality, you are rather stubborn and self-centered. These qualities are the force behind your extreme persistence.
Your Love
You have enormous courage to please your lover. Your relationship often progress quickly.

Is your birthday day 8 of the month?
Your Life
You have pleasant and friendly personality. People look u to your wit and imagination. You are unpredictable and hardly complete what you started, which sometimes create negative impact to people around you.
Your Love
Falling in love becomes your routine. Most of the time you are lucky. You fascinate people with good taste but you never have enough with one. Although your love progresses very fast, it never lasts.

Is your birthday day 9 of the month?
your Life
You often have problem in promoting yourself, just because you don't know how to express your true self. On the other hand, you don't really care what they think. This is why people misunderstand you until they really get a chance to learn about your pleasant personality. Opposite sex find you mysterious and worth searching. Your wit is remarkable but sometimes you are too fast to follow.
Your Love
You won't reveal your feeling even after dreaming about the same guy over and over. Your first love lasts forever. You are responsible to the feeling of your lover. The chance to betray your lover is none. You have luck with children. You Will be Happy Always with u r Love Marraige.

Is your birthday day 10 of the month?
Your Life
You are very capable. If you are a woman, you have high chance to be a renowned workingwoman. If you are a man, your path to fame and honor is near. As an innovator, you are not a good follower. You are good in implementing your imagination and share it with others. You are always well dressed.
Your Love
You often lose your love ones from being too jealous. You always feel like you own the person you fall in love with and that often blows your relationship.

Is your birthday day 11 of the month?
Your Life
You are gracious, elegant and prudent. People admire your qualities and some even become jealous of you. You are realistic, flexible and adaptable. You are remarkably kind and moral person.
Your Love
You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the one you love. Your lover will always have your gentleness, care and loyalty. You will always be happy to hand around the one you love.

Is your birthday day 12 of the month?
Your Life
You are friendly, humorous and full of energy. You are open-minded and do not care for minor details. Your weak point is your hot temper.
Your Love
You are willing to start off in one-sided love affairs because you strongly believe that you will eventually win his/her heart. On the other hand, once you are together, you always want to do things your way, which is often the fire starter. You usually run in and out of love quickly.

Is your birthday day 13 of the month?
Your Life
You are sincere and easy going. Flattering and charming around are not your style. You care so much for freedom that often leads you to the difficult path. Because of your sincerity, most people find you easy to be around although you are sometimes too straightforward.
Your Love
Your gentleness, care and sincerity make you an attractive person. Eventhough you don't intend to be charming, but you naturally are, especially in the eyes of opposite sex.

Is your birthday day 14 of the month?
Your Life
You are so confident that sometimes you forget about the people around you. If you have to be in one of the two teams, you will choose to be in the winning team. On the other hand, you are kind and caring but above all, you care for your own benefits. Your imagination is unique and often gets implemented shortly after it comes across.
Your Love
You will not get soft with the one you don't really like, no matter how hard he/she tries. But once you feel for someone you have chosen, there's no getting back.

Is your birthday day 15 of the month?
Your Life
You are outgoing and love to be at the center of attention. From the outside, you may seem flashy, flirty, and tricky but your true self is strong, full of hope to be the leader. When you fail to convince someone, you will get frustrated, and perhaps let your temper shows.
Your Love
You are emotional. Many can win your heart at once, but not for long. This is why you hardly win a decent relationship.

Is your birthday day 16 of the month?
Your Life
You always follow the good and the right instead of listening to your heart. Another word, you are a perfectionist. You care for every word people say about you. You oftenseen isolated while you are by nature, curious and a dreamer who is ready to get over the edge to make your dream comes true.
Your Love
You often fall in love with a person who is much different from you, in age and other aspects. Your relationship grows on friendship. Love at fist sight is not your style.

Is your birthday day 17 of the month?
Your Life
You neither want to be interfered nor have the desire to mess with others' life. But you are friendly and occasionally a party animal. You are always in a circle of friends. You often do things in your own way that occasionally go beyond the acceptable limit. People may find you childish and not very attractive in that sense.
Your Love
Your fun-loving character attracts opposite sex. Many of those are great. You often find yourself trapped among a few great guys while you have to choose only one.

Is your birthday day 18 of the month?
Your Life
At first glance, people think you are quiet type of person. Actually you are cheerful, but conditionally. You will show your joyful character only in good mood. One the other hand, when you are moody, no one would dare to be around. Because of your emotion fluctuation and frank character, some find you hard to be around.
Your Love
You hardly show your feeling towards opposite sex no matter how much you like him/her. Your partner also has similar character so your love affairs often take quite a while to flourish. Time tells it all. Your sincerity makes you very attractive.

Is your birthday day 19 of the month?
Your Life
You are great in managing everything in your life and this is how you gain respect from others. Because of this quality, you sometimes feel that you are better than the rest. Extreme confidence might lead you to the wrong path. You are a free bird and want to lead your own life.
Your Love
You love life is rather different from others'. When you are in love, nothing can stop you. You may often fight with your partner but, soon after that, you will make up in a way that surprises others.

Is your birthday day 20 of the month?
Your Life
You are prudent, circumspect and take things seriously. Before you make any move, you will think of a few alternatives that might take a while. You are patient, imaginative and target oriented. You value friendship more than anything else.
Your Love
You usually study your partner carefully before making any move. You never demand anything beyond the natural quality of that person. Your sincerity doesn't bring excitement in your love life but it brings deeply grown relationship.

Is your birthday day 21 of the month?
Your Life
You are curious and a true follower. You can please someone so much that it seem like you are trying to charm that person. You hide your disagreement under your smiling face. This is a charming quality of yours.
Your Love
You are quite unlucky in love. You are loved by someone you don't like while your dream man is so far away. Your love life is occasionally under turbulence. Sometimes you don't have the clear view of the guy in your heart.

Is your birthday day 22 of the month?
Your Life
You have the boss character, but not a leader. Most people look up to you for your capability and confidence although they find you quite stubborn. You should listen more to others. You are a unique and charming individual.
Your Love
You hardly take the moderate track. You either love or hate someone. Whom you call friends are the chosen ones. If any of them betray you, you won't let them get away without having hard time.

Is your birthday day 23 of the month?
Your Life
You never live your life in the way others want you to. You are an independent individual who loves challenges and excitement. You are ready to face with the result of your decision. You are usually the one your friends count on.
Your Love
Because you love excitements, you occasionally get involved in forbidden love affairs. You may fall in love with a married person and no one can stop you from making progress. You are very charming, although you might not realize it.

Is your birthday day 24 of the month?
Your Life
You are very optimistic and that's why you always enjoy life. You are gifted in entertaining others. Your friends love and trust you. You'll be the first they come to when they are in need of someone to speak their heart out.
Your Love
Sometimes you fall in love just because you want to be in love, not that you really like that person. You always be seen as a sweet couple but you can't really get over your love ones from past. Your partner is usually crazy about you because you are remarkably charming and romantic.

Is your birthday day 25 of the month?
Your Life
You are a warrior. No obstacle can stop you from reaching your goal. You always keep yourself busy. This quality plus your responsibility will eventually bring you success.
Your Love
You adore your partner as the number one priority. You value your love one more than yourself. Your love is the greatest of all and your have potential to get married young.

Is your birthday day 26 of the month?
Your Life
You are always curious and responsive to changes. Routine life is not the way you choose to live. Travelling is your favorite hobby because excitement is what you are after.
Your Love
You will not stand being around the one you dislike. Your love comes and goes quickly. You can be deeply in love but soon after you will be looking around for the next one.

Is your birthday day 27 of the month?
Your Life
You are sensitive and vulnerable. Tears often run down your cheeks even when the matter is not that bad. This might be the result from being to pessimistic. You might seem cold on the shell, but your inner self is a kind loving person.
Your Love
You will be elegantly dressed, no matter how casually dressed your date may be. You are emanding in love and sometimes to an unacceptable extend.

Is your birthday day 28 of the month?
Your Life
You are a capable person but you usually underestimate your own ability. This is the cause of missing numbers of opportunity to step forward. If you try to give yourself a chance, you can be successful in life. Try to see things on the bright side and you will be happier than ever.
Your Love
You are quite unlucky in love. The one in your arm is not the one in your heart. Your love has so many ups and downs. You often chicken out before seeing any progress in love.

Is your birthday day 29 of the month?
Your Life
You can trust your sixth sense. Life is exciting so routine job is not your interest. You have great ideas and fantastic imagination. You often feel tired of things and people around you.
Your Love
You can tell what's in the mind of another person just from looking into his/her eyes. You are paranoid and jealous and these are the cause of fights between you and your lover. Sometimes the thing you believe in is just your imagination.

Is your birthday day 30 of the month?
Your Life
You are always surrounded by a circle of friends. You are friendly and fun to be with. Though you occasionally disappoint them by being stubborn, but over all, they love your qualities.
Your Love
You want to have full control of your love and that's not a nice way to treat your partner. You take your time in saying yes to his wedding proposal or if you are a man, you will not propose anyone until you are certainly confident which might take ages.

Is your birthday day 31 of the month?
Your Life
Your emotion is hard to predict. You can be sad this minute and happy in the next. People might find it difficult to follow your emotion and understand you. You tend to take things seriously.
Your Love
You take your time to study a person before falling in love. Once you decide that he or she is the one, no one can stop you from making progress, even your partner.
Miss LiNNa: im glad to be 31st tian

Monday, June 8, 2009



Everyone in this complicated world has their own dreams. Now I want to share with you my funny maybe for some people but for me its have the own sentimental scene and I am waiting for the ‘sentimental scene’ to come in my real fabulous life.

You must be wondering what it would be. What is my grand dream? A Policewoman? A Lawyer? A Doctor? Marry? PhD? Big car with a luxurious mansion? Shops like there is no tomorrow? What else..??

None of the above is the answer and still parts of the list are my dreams too.

Even though you are my best friends I don’t think you know what my grand dream is. And if I’m not mistaken only he knew it. Because me keep on telling him and describe the scene, dialog in details of each and every characters in my dream. I hope I’ll ‘reach’ my grand dream due it all ‘written’ by Him.

Have u seen your grand parents feeds each other, having breakfast together at mamak’s stall or McD early in the morning after exercising together, buy groceries together, watching midnight movie together at the age of 60 plus??

~so sweet of them~

Me deep inside my heart felt so touched and so proud for these ‘special couples’ who still love each other and taking care of each other eventhough their have seen the same face for the past of half decade! .

Sometime when I having my meals down to the road and if these ‘special couple’ bumps in my eyes I’ll watch them and smile what a wonderful couple are them. And I want to be like them too! And sometime the other half not even manage to feed herself but the other half will help and feed her like their just a newlyweds! And I was thinking their just want to enjoy life together as the red line is just around them.

Nowadays let me just give you an examples me myself. 1 month, I can tell you few times I’ll have a quarrelling sessions with him. I guess you people out there facing the same session with me isn’t it. I wondering how can I be like these ‘special couple’ if I keep on practicing these session.

Back to the title itself, you must be excited to know what my grand dream is. My grand dream is one sweet evening at the age of 60 plus at the park near to the lake holding hands with my hubby walking side-by-side with my grandchild and my grand dream is I want to hear my grandchild says ‘ what a sweet couple grandpa & ma I have’!!!!!!! That is my dream that I am wishing I will ‘get’. These 7 minutes scene I am waiting from now to accomplish all my dreams!

i wish i'll be like 'em

You might be laughing once read my statement isn’t it? But this is what I want for my “Grand Dream” and the Grand age. My Grand dream will be my last dream and memorable dream before I left my fabulous life.

I hope I’ll ‘get’ my Grand Dream since now I am struggling for my dreams. I bet all my loyal readers knew my imagination aite? So I already imagine my 7 minutes scene dream with my current boyfriend a.k.a my first real love. But if my imagination character changed, I hope he’ll be the one who really love me and understand me as I’m so complicated and perfectionist. And of course I’ll love him with all my hearts!


Miss Linna counting for her Grand Dream.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wedding Planing

Qema tagged me on her informatic blog. So i just done my job!

How old are you?
23 years young

Are u single?
single not available

At what age do you think you’ll get married?
now i'm 23, maybe 25! (someone propose me please!)

Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
of course! he is my 1st real LOVE..

If not, who do you want to marry?
whites maybe.. ahha!

Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
bridesmaid = iLLa, Alice, Odd.
Flower boy = Zul, Feeras.
bestman= let him decide.

Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
omG! love this question.. it will be a garden wedding on beach!! only 44 selected person will be invited. bla..bla..bla..pot pet..pot pet..

Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
you can scroll down. i mentioned it before.. :)

How many guests do you think you'll invite?
all my friends because i would have 3 different events and only 44 selected will be invited on my Grand Garden Wedding ..

Will that include your exes?
sure..of course!!

How many layers of cake do you want?
it must be 7!

When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
evening! sunset time.. =).

Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding?
Hard to say im sorry by Chicago!

Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
i will have 3 diff. events, so it 'll be 3 diff. theme as well..

Champagne or red wine?
Pink Champagne!

Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
days after my perfect wedding!

Money or household item?
both will do..

How many kids would you like to have?
believe me i want 7!

Will you record your honeymoon in cd?
why not.. thanks for a brilliant idea!

blissfull & blessfull wedding

this is part of my imagination idea of great wedding!


Miss Linna have a fantastic imagination!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cendawan Ketawa a.k.a Magic Mashroom a.k.a Cendawan Africa @ Medan

Hello to all my followers. Rindunya kat fabulous blog ni. Pada sesiape yang tak tahu, Miss Linna pergi vacation last week thats why la tak update my blog nie.

Bace title mesti korang semua tengah wonder ape la agaknye Miss LiNNa nak story nie.
Owh ya, lupe nak bagi tau destinasi percutian Miss Linna adalah Medan, Indonesia (makasih kepada ibu Nurul & Ibu Reen kerana menjadi tourist guide Miss LiNNa & kekaseh) hik!

View Lake Toba yang indah menawan!

Before nak pegikan first things yang aku excited nak gi Medan ni sebab nak try Magic mashroom @ Cendawan Ketawa.Kire kalau tak dapt rase memang tak de maknenya aku gi Medan jauh-jauh beribu batu..huh!

Aku gi last week Thursday 7th May – 14th May seminggu dengan kekaseh tercinta! Sepatutnya Maryam and her bulek(omputih) boyfriend join,tapi ada masalah technical so dia postpon.

So sampi je kat Polonia Airport teros pergi minum tunggu Nurul & Reen datang then kiteorang teros check-in di Danau Toba Motel. Nurul cakap tempat nie ramai lelaki gatal yang kaki selingkuh stay. And yang interestingnya Medan ni, hotel dorang boleh book for 6 hours(faham-faham jela ye!) Kiteorang stay motel nie sebab sampi dah malam so rugi je if stay hotel. Lepas kire duit kiteorang pergi Sun Plaza untuk mampir (dinner). Lagi satu yang tak boleh tahan, shopping. Ya Allah! murah lepas makan je teros gi cuci mata and sampat aku beli bag rip curl yang kalau beli kat Pavilion dalam RM300++. Puas hati aku and kekaseh aku pulak gile nak beli kasut Macbeth edisi MCR( ikuti kisah kasut kekasihku di akhir entry ini).

aku beli handbag while kekasih try kasut.

dinner @ restoran Nelayan

Hari Kedua- kiteorang ready nak travel ke Danau Toba. Ambil masa dalam 6 hours! Penat sanggat semapat la kitaorang berhenti makan di Restoran Minang @ Padang yang terletak di Parapat. Lepas makan beli ticket ferry ke Samosir Island. While nak tunggu ferry move, adalah anak-anak orang batak berenag dalam air suruh kita baling duit. Kalau jahat baling jauh-jauh and budak-budak ni hebat diaorang boleh amik duit yang dalam air tu. Dan akhirnya kami sampi di Samosir Island yang terletak di tengah-tengah Danau Toba dan Danau Toba pernah listed dalam 7 wonders of the world before!

sempat beli J Co untuk di baham dalam perjalanan

di Restoran Padang. Gambar ini diamabil oleh supir kami Abg. Owin

Nurul baling duit nak bagi anak-anak orang batak.

Anak-anak orang batak. Ni baru sikit, ada banyak lagi dia orang ikut shif.

emmm..cantikkan! hik!

Kami sampi si Samosir Island dalam pukul 6.30pm dan kami tinggal di Samosir Cottage. Cantik sebab menghadap Lake Toba.hehe.. =).

Lepas dah check-in bilik and everything kiteorng pon mencari masa yang aku tunggu-tunggu iaitu Cendawan ketawa. Finally jumpa jugak Bamboo Bar. So kiteorg order Omelette mashroom. Mashroom ni tak boleh makan begitu saje sebab ‘keras’ wanita batak tu bagitau la. So kami pon order 1 plastic magic mashroom bersam french fries while my kekaseh order beef sandwish ( tak pasti halal ke tidak). Yuxx!! Mashroom nie busuk gile. Tak lalu aku nak makan. Tapi disebabkan nak rasa ‘ketawa’ aku pon kiteorang pon telan je la. Sumpah busuk bau macam tanah!! Yuxxx!! But kitorang order lagi 1 plastic sebab lepas makan macam tak de reaction je. Kiteorang igat maybe ‘quantity’ yang di perlukan tak cukup sampi order 2kali! Eeeuuwww! Sampi sekarang aku terigat bau Omelette mashroom yang bebbau tanah!!

Cendawan yang belum dimasak..

Omelette Magic Mashroom! yummy~~

aksi-aksi manja para pelancong yang jakun nak try magic mashromm! HAHA

So lepas makan macam takda pape pon berlaku kami pon cabut dari tempat puaka tu menuju ke bilik kami. Waktu nak masuk kereta kan, tiba-tiba aku pandang Bard, Nurul & Reen macam orang hijau. Muka diaorang semua hijau and pucat. Then aku bagi tau deorang and kitaorang pandang each other pon kate ‘aah la muke korang pon hijau’ but yang paling obvious kekasihku muke die hijau, dah la pakai baju hijau pastu pucat. Then kitaorang pon balik. Sampi bilik kami pon duduk di verandah sambil borak-borak and cite pasal magic mashroom yang berbau puaka tu. And takde pon rase nak ketawa. Tiba-tiba kiteorang realize Nurul macam tak keruan. Kejap panas, kejap sejuk, lepastu asyik duduk bagun je. Pastu Bard pulak asyik senyum je. Then kate die okay tak de pape. So kiteorang assume magic mashroom nie just untuk gelakkan orang je kot.

So kiteorang pon masuk bilik and kunci pintu. Plan nak main card tapi takde card. So kitorang just duduk bercerita. Lepastu tiba-tiba aku rase macam pening-pening kak ani. Pastu aku teros ketawa. Diorang sume pandang aku. Aku cakap aku okay. And aku try nak describe situation aku then aku ketawe yang macam nak mati. Ketawa sampi ke nafas yang terakhir. Cuba korang semua bayangkan. Di ikuti dengan Reen. Die pon ketawa macam aku. Akibat penangan magic mashroom tu aku jadi seorang story teller yang tak reti nak stop. Yang paling aku gelak macam nak semput aku cerita pasal Ostrich pengsan. Dulu kawan aku ade cerita yang Ostrich tak boleh kena silau nanti die pengsan and jatuh macam ombak. So aku cerita pasal Ostrich sambil buat gaya ni je berulangkali and gelak macam nak tecabut nyawa. Imagine aku ketawa sampi air mata keluar. Nurul & Bard pon dah takut tengok aku macam tak betol. Aku asyik berdiri sambil bercerita lepas tu aku rasa panas sanggat macam nak bukak baju. Panas sanggat! Lepas tu aku tengok muke kat cermin aku tengok muka aku da macam zombie. Bawah mata / eye back hitam gile macam lagu MCR ‘welcome to black parade’ sebijik! Pastu aku cakap kat deorang sambil ketawa muka macam video clip MCR..

Lepastu dorang suroh aku tidur. Aku tak boleh tidok asyik ketawa je. Takde bende menarik pon aku ketawa. And if aku berangan pon boleh ketawa berdekah-dekah. Bard suro aku tido aku tak nak cakap nak mandi dulu. Aku pon ambil towel mandi. Dalam toilet, aku pon pandang keliling sambil pegang towel. Lepas tu aku kelua ketawa cakap macam mana nak sanggkut towel. Nurul pon ajar suruh letak atas sink. Aku pon masuk tiolet. Aku ambil mase lame nak bukak baju sebab asyik ketawa and fikir macam mana nak mandi, nak gosok gigi, and yang tak boleh blah aku meguap sampil mandi. Lepas da lap-lap badan aku dengar suara Bard macam hantu bediri belakang aku. Aku pon pandang tak de pape. Nasib aku reti lagi mengucap. And before aku nak bukak pintu toilet aku dengar pintu depan ade orang bukak. Aku tanya sapa bukak pintu Bard kata mana ade pape. Pastu aku pon teros tidur sebab Bard dah marah and dia tutup lampu. Aku tak boleh tidur. Asyik main dengan tangan and asyik kira jari aku nie. Kejap ada 4, kejap ade 6. Kelaka pastu aku ketawa lagi. Aku jadi penat sangat sebab kewata macam nak mati tapi tak tau macam mana nak stop. Aku and Reen je gelak macam nie. Nurul & Bard okay. Reen asyik cakap muka kitaorang cantik color purple and pink macam dalam cerita cartoon. But sumpah aku rase serba salah towards my boyfriend Bard and Nurul sebab susahkan korang. Kiteorang okay balik dalam pukul 5am. Lame kan! And esoknye semua bagun pukul 1pm. And aku sakit dada macam nak kene athma balik!

Hari ke3 dala bagun lambat, so kirorang gi lunch then teros gi perkampungan orang batak. Orang batak nie terkenal dengan makan orang or orang karnibal. Menurut kata cucu raja batak(belagak gila die perkenalkan diri dialah cucu raja batak) orang batak makan musuh and orang yang jadi tali barut musuh. So diorang akan kene pengggal kepala. Before kepala kene panggal, dieorang kene siksa seperti kene toreh-toreh kat dada lepastu sapu dengan limau nipis supaya roh jahat kelua. Sebab history Samosir Island ni terkenal dengan ilmu hitam(nurul yang bagitau). So lepastu orang tersebut akan kene penggal kepala and darahnya ditadah and bagi raja batak yang bingai itu minum. Mayatnya pula akan di potong kecil-kecil masak bersama daging kerbau atau lembu. Masak apa agaknye diaorang nie ek ?? untuk di makan beramai-ramai.Lepas tengok perkampungan batak kami menuju ke hot spring. Tak pape pon yang menarik kat situ dala jao gile. Lupa nak bagitau membacaku semua. Samosir Island nie sebesar Singapore dan dikelilingi oleh Lake Toba iaitu bekas kawah gunung berapi.!

Hari ke4- Kami pon kelua dari Samosir Island dan menuju ke Berastagi. Kat situ aku beli bayak gila barang sampi nak declare muflis. And bila sampi hotel kekasehku marah sebab aku tak reti kira duit and shops banyak sanggat. Tapi bila aku tengok balik tak de la banyak sanggat aku beli. Ntah-ntah pencopet curik duit aku kot. Hurmm..

Waterfall near Berastagi

Hari ke5,6,7,8 kami meghabiskan masa di kota Medan sahaja. Nurul, baru teringat kita tak pergi lagi shoping mall yang baru tu. =(. So kami banyak habiskan masa shopping and makan ayam penyet sampi sakit perut sebab pedas. Dah tak terkira berape kali kiteroang makan ayam penyet.

Melantak bakso dan ayam penyet..

Ya! wajah pemenang Black Jack!

Hari ke8 before nak balik kami makan ayam penyet buat kali terakhit and aku gi pierce tongue.hahaha..sorry kekaseh, anda tak boleh marah saya sebab anda beli banyak barang yang saya tak suka. So kami pon meninggalkan Nurul & Reen dalam pukul 5.30pm. Kami sampi di LCCT dalam pukul 7.30pm dan Dek wan & Fuad menggungu kami dengan sepanduk yang besar dan comel(tipu je..heheh). So Bard pon mengahantar saya pulang dan saya sampi rumah pukul 9.30pm. Dalam pukul 10pm Bard call tanya ade tak aku ambil kasut Macbeth dia. Sebab yang tinggal hanya bag je. Aku pun sedih jugak dala mahal sampi aku bising-bising tak bagi beli atlast hilang. At first aku igat tertinggal di Petronas jalan Ampang so malam-malam buta aku gi Petronas tanya abang cashier and bagi name card aku if jumpe ke ape. But Bard cakap maybe tertinggal kat airport. Sedihkan. And aku cakap takde rezeki kot. Nanti beli la lagi. So my readers best tak special entry kali nie..heheh..

Polonia Airport

p/s : Zillion Thank you to Nurul & Reen sebab bawak LiNNa & Bard pusing satu Medan. Jasamu akan kami kenang.

Miss LiNNa phobia dengan semua makanan yang ada cendawan!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jika saya menjadi seorang Menteri

Malaysian 1st Social Minister..

( i wish )

Saya amat meminati politik terutamanya sekarang politik Malaysia yang sanggat menarik + kelakar + putar alam + gossip liar + penipuan + manipulate orang + sedih + gembira dan banyak lagi = tukar pemimpin. Sebenarnye saya tak nak cerita pasal politik nie in my FABULOUS BLOG, takut kene kecam. Tak pasal-pasal esok keluar front page macam suri rumah pergi kutuk Raja Perak dalam blog dia habis kene tindakan mahkamah.Kesian anak and laki die (saya doakan akak suri rumah tu selamat).

Entry saya untuk kali ini adalah untuk menyuruh ‘korang’ semua pembaca setia fabulous blog ini mem’vote’ Miss LiNNa sebagai menteri!

Ya baca betul-betul M.E.N.T.E.R.I.. since kerajaan dah fired 8 menteri bagi meminimizekan saiz ahli kabinet. So if saye buat rayuan tambah lagi 1 kementerian mungkin akan dipertimbangkan oleh pihak atasan. Oleh itu, kerajaan ada budjet lebih nak bayar gaji menteri. Jika saya jadi menteri kelak kerajaan tak payah la bayar mahal-mahal. Bayar ikut ikhlas hati jelah ye.!

Saya dengan sukacitanya ingin mengapply kan diri menjadi Menteri Social Malaysia yang pertama!

Disini saya sertakan tindakan/ sebab/ tujuan/ saya ingin menjadi Menteri Social Wanita Pertama Malaysia (MSWPM).

1) Sekiranya saya menjadi MSWPM saya akan meluluskan semua iklan French paper, minuman keras, tuala wanita, rokok, dadah dan lain-lain (akan ditambah dimasa hadapan)
Tujuan saya meluluskan iklan ini kerana masyarakat di Malaysia lebih tertarik kepada benda yang negative eventhough ibubapa tak penah pon ajar. Betul tak??

*Iklan condom bagi golongan yang conservative ( sorry ye) mesti akan ban saya punya. Tapi jika kita tengok in the bright site, kita sebenarnya ajar golongan muda cara yang betul bagi mengelakkan dari penyakit sex berjangkit or we called it as STD seperti gonorea dan sifilis dan juga AIDS. Saya akan pastikan iklan itu mengajar cara pemakaian dan kesan jika kita tidak memakainya.

French Paper @ condom

*Iklan minuman keras pula saya luluskan kerana saya ingin golongan muda tahu differenciate quality minuman dan kesan kepada badan dan otak kita jika kita mengambil minuman yang murah qualiti dan quantitynya.Dan iklan itu saya akan siarkan kesan jika kita mengambil jika melebihi dos dan membawa kepada maut seperti memandu dibawah pengaruh alchohol dan lain-lain bencana yang nagatives.


*Iklan tuala wanita jika kita tengok memang ada, tetapi bagi saya ia tidak realistic dan jika anda alert kerajaan pernah ingin mengenhentikan iklan tuala wanita. Saya rasa kerajaan kita ini terlampau sopan santun atau alim. Tetapi kerajaan tak tahu agaknya perangai rakyat macam mana.Bagi iklan tuala wanita, walaupon rasa geli dan gross, tetapi itulah reality. So kenapa kita nak berasa geli. So saya akan pastikan air biru yang iklan sekarang ditukarkan kepada warna sebenar. So dalam masa yang sama kita dapat ajar golongan kecil tentang kehidupan sebenar bukan plastic!

Sanitary Pad

*Ya sekarang pon jika kita beli rokok( bagi perokok) kita dapat lihat iklan di kotak rokok itu dan ia sesuatu yang bagus dan ia akan menjadi lebih menarik jika kita visualkan nya. Dan tujuan saya approvekan iklan rokok saya ingin rakyat tahu jenama-jenama rokok dan diakhiri kesan daripada menghisapnya. Walaupun anda tidak bersetuju dengan idea saya, dengan pengiklanan jenama-jenama terbesar dunia ini kita dapat mengukuhkan sedikit sebanyak ekonomi negara walaupun ia menjurus kepada activity yang negatives.


*Dadah memang musuh negara. Tapi bagi pengambil dadah ia adalah bestfriend mereka! Saya mahukan iklan ini mengajar anda dari mana asal, apakah tujuannya dan kesan jika kita mengambil dadah. Memang jika saya tulis ni anda akan cakap mesti tak berhasil.Ye lah sebab yang hisap dadah semua pon orang tua dan golongan belia. Tetapi tujuan saya lebih kepada kanak-kanak. Saya mahu mereka tahu kenapa, mengapa dan akibat mengambil dadah.


** So ini adalah iklan-iklan yang saya akan luluskan jika saya menjadi MSWPM.

2) Saya akan memastikan semua tayangan filem yang kita tonton adalah yang asli. Maksud saya tiada pemotongan. Sebenarnya saya tak faham kenapa kerajaan memotong adegan-adegan di dalam filem tersebut. Adakan kita takut kanak-kanak terpengaruh? Bagi saya itu adalah nonsense! Kita sepatutnya meggalak kan mereka menonton kerana jika kita kawal peragai seseorang, dan jika penjaga mereka tiada, mereka akan melakukan sesuatu yang mereka tak pernah buat (nakal).
Dan jika kita benarkan mereka menontonnya minda mereka akan lebih terbuka dan mereka tidak akan malu bila berhadapan dengan umum. Tetapi bagi seseorang yang hidup sentiasa dikawal, minda mereka tidak terbuka dan mereka lebih cepat terpengaruh dengan benda-benda yang kita consider negatives ini.

3) Bagitu juga di cinema, semua tayangan filem adalah 100% original tiada pemotongan.

4) Saya juga akan menggalakkan golongan muda menonton rancangan yang sememangnya tidak akan dilakukan oleh kerajaan iaitu rancangan seperti sex educations. Tujuan saya bukan untuk mengajar kearah yang salah, tetapi ia adalah satu pelajaran dan kenapa kita tak boleh siarkannya di TV.

1) Kita duduk dinegara yang democracy, kita ada hak untuk bersuara. Dan negara lain kagum dengan Malaysia kerana berbilang bangsa tatapi masih boleh hidup dengan aman dan harmony. Tetapi tidak semua jenis makanan bangsa lain kita boleh makan kerana status halal nya diragui. Oleh itu, saya akan pastikan semua restaurant, kedai, gerai makanan di Malaysia adalah halal dan bagi yang non-halal saya akan tempatkan 1 gerai ini di hujung setiap gerai-gerai makanan di Malaysia untuk yang non-halal. Jadi kita tak ada masalah makan di mana sahaja yang kita suka dan kebersihannya dijamin!.

2) Di KL itself, bila kita jalan from KLCC to Pavilion, kita akan jumpe lebih dari 20 buah kelab malam dan pub dan pusat-pusat hiburan. Saya tidak nafikan gologon remaja dan golongan koperats (mostly islam-malay) akan banyak menghabiskan masa pada hari miggu dan saya menyokong activity ini kerana kita dapat keluar bersama kawan-kawan dan menghabiskan masa bersenam sambil mengeluarkan peluh. Tetapi jika saya menjadi MSWPM saya akan pastikan no more ladies night. Maksud saya di kebanyakan pusat hiburan,mereka akan menetapkan hari bagi pengujung wanita untuk diraikan dan kebayakan mereka menetapkan hari Khamis malam jumaat.Dan saya akan pastikan semua kelab malam akan mengurangkan activity pada malam itu dan ladies night ditukarkan ke hari Isnin bagi menghormati khamis malam jumaat itu.

Tujuan saya membuat entry ini adalah ingin memberikan/share pendapat saya untuk menjadikan rakyat Malaysia bersikap lebih terbuka. Ini kerana masyarakat sekarang banyak yang telah terkena kejutan budaya or culture shock. Ini disebabkan kurang pendedahan terhadap reality dunia tetapi terlebih pendedahan kepada reality TV. dan bila mereka terdedah dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya mereka akan mempunyai sikap/eager ingin mencuba benda yang baru bagi mereka. Dan itulah sebenarnya bermula gejala rogol, dadah , mencuri dan lain-lain activity yang negatives.Kerana bagi saya, makin kerajaan ingin mengawal gejala negatives, rakyat akan menjadi conservative dan culture shock dan makin banyak kes-kes negatives yang cuba kerajaan atasi ini akan gagal.

Diharap saya tidak akan dikecam oleh kerajaan di atas topic yang jarang sekali kita dengar ini kerana kita biasanya hanya berbual dengan rakan-rakan mengenai isu yang agak sensitives ini.

So to all of my loyal readers, vote for me for the first sosial minister. So i’m gonna change your mind-set, and we live as a perfect human!

Malaysia Truly Asia

Miss LiNNa adore KJ! Dont ask me why =).

*Saya berase bangga dengan entry nie sebab mengunakan bahasa melayu yang bagus if submit kat Puan Narimah (cikgu BM) sure dapat A++!