Monday, March 2, 2009


Assalamualaikum wbt…

Aku tau mesti ramai rakan-rakanku akan berkata “Linna nie da ilang akal ke bagi salam” “Linna dah insaf” “Wow sejak bila pandai bagi salam nie”

Itu aku da dapat detect dengan mengunakan sensor hatiku yang suci dan mulia ini.. (.-_-)Yang kawan-kawan syaithon ku akan sure cakap..

(syaiton yang di rejam)

That’s just an introduction of my story for today..

I am working with my father as a beautiful girl in charged in ticketing which needs me sitting in front counter and show the world and proud of my beautifulness and make all men rolling their eye twice just because Goddess from heaven is in front of ‘em. .WOW!

And the friend of my dad is a supervisor which he will monitor everything since he has almost 35 years experience in travel agency thingy. He is an Iraqi man and he can speak Malay little bit. And the most and very important thing is he is very religious man but he doesn’t show it from his normal outfit and he comes by the name of Mr. Raad.

I have a lot of embarrassing scene with Mr Raad just because of my spontaneous attitudes. Oh aku sangat malu!!!

Normally he ‘ll come earlier than me and he just start do his work as usual. I came to him (dengan rase tak bersalah wish him Good morning Sir! And guess what he replied…..

Waalaikumusalam… damn!!! Sumpah aku rase malu nak mati and I just gave him a BIG smile of the day..( at 1st dalam hati ‘eh aku cakap good morning kenapa die reply w’slam)

and I just pretending cool so it wont come any reaction on my beautiful face..HAHAHA!

Second scene is. I loves to ware all the transparent clothing which I found nice and formal and not forget beautiful for me..

I went to show him my sales report and he ask me to sit and he take a deep breath…

“Linna, why you wear like this..?? This is HARAM” (he said it twice HARAM)..
“You are Muslim, this is HARAM wearing like this” (aku berase if office tu tinggat 7 aku da sure lompat sebab malu gile tahap atas tapi malang just tinggat 2 yang tak akan effect ape-ape kat aku mungkin kecederaan yang minima sahaja dan mungkin if aku lompat ade cine apek kedai spot toto tu sambut sebab die suke kat aku.)..*wink..wink*

Do you know what my reaction is..???

senyum simpul bagai makcik jual karipap ayam depan rumah lepas aku beli RM2 for just 4 buah(4 buah?? 4 biji?? 4 batang?? 4 ulas?? 4 ketul??)Duh!..

Damn shame with him but he just continue review my report and said I’m doing well now in term of achievements. ..LALAL( tak suke nak belagak..lalal)

Third scene, Chinese New Year is around the corner, so I got bundles of angpaw from Alliance Bank downstairs since we do all the transactions with them. So, with a happy mode, I’m planning to paste it on the wall and some at photostat machine.

Suddenly Mr Raad came he want to do some printing and gently speaking to me
“Linna, do you know this is HARAM pasting all there Chinese thingy”

I am OmG(in my heart)
“I found out you are so open minded until you excited to celebrate Chinese New Year too ”
tiba-tiba fikiranku terkenang semua incidents yang die tegur aku…(.-_-)

Then he continued “because of this my country became horrible” dengan rase yang macam paham ape yang die cakap aku pon nodding kan kepale konon-konon faham sebab kat Malaysia event ought kite celebrate semua celebtations kita still respect each other.. I replied him “ in Malaysia we are living in democracy country and we can celebrate it all” and he replied me “ but we are Muslim we supposed not to do so” and aku pon diam sebab aku respect die sebab die tuan aji and segan ..HAHAHHAH…LOL

Pastu die cakap “ Linna, can I take it off” and aku pon “oh sure you can” and aku pon simpan all those angpaw in my drawer(siapa nak angpau 2 boleh request kat aku eh) hik!

And the last and latest incident was…. Last few weeks kan Thaipusam, die tanya aku “Linna, do u celebrate Thaipusam” sumpah aku tak boleh tahan gelak and aku gelak kuat-kuat tapi cover ayu… and Mr Raad pon gelak sekali bersamaku…HAHAHAHAHAH =). (and dalam hati Thaipusam 2 yang mane ek..Duh!) (.-_-)

Actually there is some other incidents that I found up funny and embarrassing but the one that I shared here is the top 3!!! HAHAHA.. ;p.

Maybe next time I’ll write more about me and Mr Raad.... ;p.

~Miss LiNNa Yg baek hati~


Anonymous said...

Linna alim??!!! puhleaaseeeeee!! hahahahahahahaha :p

Miss Linna said...

Hey aku on the way nak insap nie dow...


support la sikit..


Mr Jon said...

Lina bring me to see Mr Raad...
Let me "bahasakan" dia....

How many years he live in Malaysia?
You should buy him Buku Sejarah that he learn about Malaysia...

We Malaysian celebrate all festival including Chinese New Year and so forth...

Yes...we are Muslim and is not our practice to celebrate others religion festival.....but the thing is...we are not follow their ritual in celebrating all these festival....we're just celebrating the spirit of being Malaysian.

Indirectly we can reduce the ethnic gap....because we are mutiracial country....

Besides....he's should say back to him.... Mr Raad if I follow you rule and I cant paste this angpow....I wonder Malaysia will become the next Iraq...because we're not respect other culture.....

Huh! all of sudden I become emo....

One more thing he has done his part by tegur you about the haram thing....

But he doesnt have a right to make you change the way you dress.

Its all up to you.....being a good muslim must come from your bottom heart not because other people ask you to do that...

Last but not least....I allow you to use my point to bidas Mr Raad statement.....


Miss Linna said...

Jon jangan berkata begitu kerana anak nya juga adalah pengunjung blog saya ini..



a.d.e.l.a said...

why dont u put the incident when he ask u why dont go for a pray.

haha.dat should be the top of the top embarrasing situation ever!

ingat allah.amin.

Miss Linna said...
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Miss Linna said...

hahaha...actually i wanted too...never mind, there 'll be part 2 of me and him..


NaniRostam said...

Orang yang nama hujung-hujung na.... tu memang cantik hehe....

Miss Linna said...


thank u aunty..


Shitsurei Shimashita said...

an everlasting memories and semoga ia menjadi panduan.Insyallah :)

Miss Linna said...

Insyaallah Shitsurei..!
